Group Leaders
Paulo J. Fonseca
I have a Ph.D. in Morphology and Animal Physiology by the University of Lisbon since 1994 and I am currently leading the team ‘Communication and evolution in insects and fish’ within the Conservation in Socio-Ecological Ecosystems research group of cE3c. I am an associate professor at the Department of Animal Biology of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, where I currently teach Animal physiology, Marine Biology and Animal Behaviour.
M. Clara P. Amorim
Since my PhD with Tony Hawkins (at University of Aberdeen) I have been mainly interested in studying acoustic communication in fish focussing on how acoustic signals mediate social interactions and promote reproductive isolation. I am also interested in the role of acoustic signals in a context of multi-modal and cross-modal communication. Recently I have started to address the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine soundscape and on fish fitness + vocal communication.
Group members
Raquel O. Vasconcelos
Senior researcher
I hold a PhD in Ecophysiology, with major research interests are behavioral ecology, neurophysiology, and bioacoustics. I am particularly interested in the physiological mechanisms underlying auditory sensitivity and how changes in the environment (eg. increasing noise pollution) influence the detection of biologically-relevant signals, behavior and possible physiological adaptations. My research employs a range of animal models, including marine fish species, zebrafish, and, more recently, Danionella cerebrum.
Past members
Shay Tal
Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research
Vincent Médoc
Université Jean Monnet
Tiago Marques
FCUL; University of St Andrews
João Monteiro
MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, UMadeira/ARDITI
Yorgos Stratoudakis
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera Portugal
Marta Pimentel
MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa