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New publication: Reaction of two sciaenid species to passing boats

Writer's picture: Manuel VieiraManuel Vieira

Updated: Jan 13

Our group has published a new article titled "Reaction of two sciaenid species to passing boats: Insights from passive acoustic localization". This study focuses on the impact of boat passages on the behavior of two fish species in the Tagus estuary: the native meagre and the invasive weakfish.

 In this study, we monitored the vocalizations of these fish during the breeding season and estimated the position of vocal individuals using passive acoustic localization techniques with an array of hydrophones. This approach allowed us to observe the reaction to boat noise, both in terms of changes in vocal activity and in their location.


The school of both species moved with the passage of boats, suggesting a reaction to this disturbance. The meagre also reduced its acoustic activity during the passage of each boat, but no changes were observed in the acoustic behavior of the weakfish.


It is important to highlight that this study was conducted when both species form aggregations for spawning, so in the future, it will be essential to investigate the implications of continuous disturbances caused by boat passages on their reproduction.


Article title: Reaction of two sciaenid species to passing boats: Insights from passive acoustic localization




©2021 by FishBioAcoustics Lab.

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